Hosted via github pages: HERE (Only tested in Chrome 70)
Uses a bunch of interesting stuff:
- dynamic import
- static import
- code element
- noscript element
- bind (scope, this)
- regexp
- svg
- rect
- createElementNS
- setAttributeNS
- viewBox
- Dijkstra (for pathfinding)
built with: vanilla-js
My thoughts on JavaScript / what did I learn:
- using the correct datastructure can make a huge difference (i.e Marbles/Recipe from Day09/Day14 or using a Map rather than an array)
- lacking proper equality check (i.e. Java .equals() check in a Set - how does that properly work out with JS objects)
- reduce, filter, split, map are very nice "out of the box" to use
- A proper unit-testing suite that integrates into the IDE is really worth it
- Infinite loops will hang the browser, cumbersome to debug stuff in the browser