
CFP generates call flows from XML descriptions of the callflow nodes and the flows. The initial version is a proof of concept, based on http://callplot.sourceforge.net/ (thanks to Eric McMurry, a creator of the aforementioned, who also happens to be a colleague), but using XML input. Also, my primary aim was to generate call flows that can be used on a Windows platform (generating a PNG file, for instance). I am also adding support for a number of other features, namely design templates, reading directly from a PCAP file, generating clickable SVGs, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Call flow plotter
Sonny Rajagopalan

Input file: Call flow file: example.cff
Output file: SVG

First working version: 02/23/2013.

Things to add in V1.0

(a) FromTo flows. These flows are used when  we want to abstract a number of call flows we
are not interested in showing the details for.

    For example,  for an application  (L5) interaction, it  makes no sense to  discuss TCP
    3-way handshake open and TCP close. In this case, we will show the TCP 3-way handshake
    as a FromTo flow. Typical uses of FromTo flows are: (1) Showing existing states in the
    beginning of a callflow. Example: a  3G data connection is already open before setting
    up a web services connection to a  data center over the Internet (presumably using the
    3G data connection).  (2) Abstracting protocol activity in layers that are no interest
    to the reader (e.g., DNS discovery when discussing a BitTorrent interaction).

(b) Check call flow file (*.cff) validity.

(c) Self references  in the call flows. To show import/pertinent  processing that the node
    does internally.

(d) Multiple "to" nodes support.

(e) Placing text in a more sophisticated fashion. Multi-line text and word-wraps.

(f) Anchor nodes--to show the importance of some nodes spanning the call flow. For example,
   in a 3G/WiFi multi access scenario, it is  important to show that the IP anchor is both
   at the WLAN AP and the PGW.

(g) Color profiles: Need to be able to change the colors of the text, nodes, arrows, arrow
    heads. Also need to be able to change the shape of the nodes.

(h) Clickable SVG  portions. For example, click an arrow, and  contents of the application
    layer PDU show on another page.

(i) Generate MS-Office usable pictures. SVG  is not an MS-office recognizable format. Turn
    the        SVG       to       PNG.        Check       out        PythonMagick       at

(j) Extra credit: Take an arbitrary wireshark dump (pcap file) and a filter text and apply
    the filter and generate  the call flow from the pcap file,  with clickable details for
    the flows.

(k) Introduce <AlongWithPrevious/>,  <SoonAfterPrevious/> <LongAfterPrevious/> (will place
    ellipsis between the current, and previous horizontals)

(l) Introduce titles.

(m) Sessions: a handle for everything each run of ./cfp.py should have in memory.

(n) Pages.   Introduce page-length feature,  which is the  number of flows per  page. This
    doesn't scale, as you  could have just one flow with a  large text segment. Perhaps we
    should just limit the description to 140 characters.

(o) Should self references just show a box over the node stem, instead of the arrow loop?