
This is a new repo created for OSCA Calabar workshop

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A github repository to get you started in learning how to make a contribution and create a pull request.

Use this project to make your first contribution to an open source project on GitHub.

Make your first pull request by follwing this instructions

For Beginners

Create a github account, it's free!
Visit and learn about open source here!

Making your first contributions

To do this on gitHub

  • Fork this project by clicking on the fork button at the top right corner of this page
  • On your forked repository, click the branch icon with 'main' and create a new branch by typing the name of the branch in the space provided.
  • click on create branch: < branch name >

Note: Branch name is usually related to the purpose the branch was created.

It's time to edit the CONTRIBUTORS.md file

  • Click on the CONTRIBUTORS.md file in the repository
  • Click the edit button on the top right corner of the file and add your name to the right location.
  • Example: [FirstName LastName](https://github.com/your-username)
  • Add a commit message and click 'Commit Changes' E.g 'Added[UserName]'
  • Make a new pull request - the third option after code and issues under the repository name or click the green 'compare and pull request button' See how to make a pull request
  • Click 'Make a new pull request' button

While the base and head repository is auto filled (make sure you're comparing the right branch on the base repository and your head repository)

  • Make sure you click on your head repository's compare dropdown, and change from your 'main' branch to your <new branch name> if you are not on the right branch
  • Confirm the title pull request and click create 'pull request button'

To do this on your local machine

  • Open terminal
  • Install git on your machine if you don't already have it
  • Fork the project on github
  • Clone the project by copying the http or ssh link in your new repository
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Members.git
  • Navigate to the cloned folder
cd Members
  • Create a new branch by doing
  git checkout -b <name-of-new-branch>
  • open the CONTRIBUTORS.md file with any text editor

  • Add your name and github URL to the right location

  • Example: [FirstName LastName](https://github.com/your-username)

  • Stage your changes.

  git add CONTRIBUTORS.md
  • Commit the changes with a commit message using this format
  git commit -m "Added<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME"
  • Push to a new branch on github
  git push origin <name-of-your-branch>
  • Make a new pull request - the third option after code and issues under the repository name or click the green 'compare and pull request button'. Also see how to make a pull request
  • Click 'make a new pull request' button

While the base and head repository is auto filled (make sure you're comparing the right branch on the base repository and your head repository)

  • Make sure you click on your head repository's compare dropdown, and change from your 'main' branch to your <new branch name> if you are not on the right branch
  • Confirm the title pull request and click create 'pull request button'