
An online parents teacher meet api project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shiksha Sangam

An online educational platform for parents and teacher.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/Sonu-Hansda/Shiksha-Sangam

Go to the project directory

  cd Shiksha-Sangam

Install dependencies

  npm install

Enter your mongodb url (index.js)


Start the server

  npm run dev

API Reference

Getting specific student details

Here you can search for a particular student in your database.

  GET /student/:reg
Parameter Type Description
reg number Required.

Getting all students record

Here you can search all students in your database.

  GET /student/all

Create a student record

You can create a student record by sending post request to the give endpoint with json data format as given .

  POST /student/create
Parameter Type Description
first_name string First name of the student
last_name string Last name of the student
father_name string Father's name of the student
mother_name string Mother's name of the student
class number Class of the student
roll_number number Roll number of the student
registration_number number Registration number of the student
contact_number number Contact Number of the student