Class Connect

Class Connect is a Flutter app designed to facilitate resource sharing among college students at the National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur (NIT Jamshedpur). Whether you're an upperclassman sharing study materials with your batchmates or a senior passing down knowledge to juniors, Class Connect provides a platform for seamless collaboration. Additionally, students can stay informed about college activities and announcements.


  1. Resource Sharing:

    • Upload and share study materials, notes, and other educational resources.
    • Categorize resources by subject, semester, or topic for easy navigation.
  2. Announcements:

    • Receive real-time updates on college events, workshops, seminars, and club activities.
    • Stay informed about deadlines, exam schedules, and important announcements.
  3. User Profiles:

    • Create personalized profiles with relevant details (batch, department, interests, etc.).
    • View profiles of other students to connect and collaborate.
  4. Search Functionality:

    • Quickly find specific resources or announcements using search filters.


  1. Flutter Setup:

    • Ensure you have Flutter installed on your system. If not, follow the official Flutter installation guide.
  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd class-connect
  3. Install Dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  4. Run the App:

    • Connect your device (physical or emulator).

    • Run the app using:

      flutter run