LHCMall is an ecommerce frontend site for the college hackathon. It allows users to browse, search, and buy products from various categories and vendors.


Here is the vercel link : https://lhc-mall.vercel.app/
Here is a gif file that shows how the site works:

Gif Video


Here are some screenshots of the site:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


The site is built with the following technologies:

  • Vite and React.js for the frontend
  • Tailwind CSS for the styling

Installation and Usage

To run the site locally, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Then, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository from GitHub
  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Start the development server with npm run dev
  • Open the site on http://localhost:5173


This project was created by:

  • Sonu Kumar Hansda
  • 2023UGCM023