This repository is the official implementation of Coastal Aquaculture Extraction Using GF-3 Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery: A Framework Integrating UNet++ with Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation. The main work flow is as follows:
This method can be split into two steps: 1. getting coarse segmentation via U-Net; 2. According to the difficult boundary proposals, repairing the boundary in a patch.
- torch
- torchvision
- opencv-python
- gdal
train your custom coarse segmentation model
cd fishpondTrain python --dataRoot ${your data root} --in_chs 1 --num_classes 2
prediction(coarse segmentation)
cd fishpondPredict python --data_path ${the path of image} --seg_model_path ${coarse segmentation model}
patch repair (training and prediction)
cd PatchSeg python --dataRoot ${your data path} python --imgPath entropy_shannon_subset_Feature.tif --CoarseSegPath coarse.tif --modelPath patch.pth --outPath final.tif
Thanks for completing this repo with Dr. Yu's kind help.