No <sce_sled/sled.h>?

erosnick opened this issue · 2 comments

I found that there is no sce_sled/sled.h directory structure in source, but it seems that using sled.h in the solution root folder just works fine?

Ah, sorry, I see what you mean. This is an artifact of how the source is set up in a different repository where it lives alongside a ton of other things. In that repository, everything's broken up into various components/projects, and for this open source release I had to kludge everything together.

I recommend cloning the source into a directory that's side-by-side your project-

  • \
    • \
    • SledOSS\

Then you can have that common directory be an include path and #include <SledOSS/sled.h> will work. This also lets you have multiple projects that come from multiple git/SVN sources all live side by side w/o them trouncing each others' .git/.svn folders.

OK, I got things up and running, thanks a lot. :)