
Server API Weather dashboard: 5 day weather forecast

Primary LanguageHTML

Server-Side API: Weather Dashboard

Project Overview

This project focuses on building a server-side weather dashboard that allows users to retrieve and display weather data for multiple cities. The application utilizes the 5 Day Weather Forecast API from OpenWeatherMap to obtain weather information. Users can search for cities, view current and future weather conditions, and access a 5-day forecast.

User story

As a traveler, I want to see the weather outlook for multiple cities. This will help me, so I can plan trips accordingly.


  1. Activate API Key
  2. Write HTML to create skeleton of my dashboard
  3. Write up CSS in order to give my dashboard user friendly styling
  4. Write up JavaScript to pull data from weather server side to my dashboard
  5. I will test each step in my browser and again at the end to establish my code is working, fixing any bugs before publishing.


  • Create a weather dashboard with form inputs.
  • When a user searches for a city, they are presented with current and future conditions for that city, and the city is added to the search history.
  • When a user views the current weather conditions for a city, they are presented with: The city name, The date, An icon representation of weather conditions, The temperature, The humidity, The wind speed.
  • When a user views future weather conditions for a city, they are presented with a 5-day forecast that displays: The date, An icon representation of weather conditions, The temperature, The humidity, When a user clicks on a city in the search history, they are again presented with current and future conditions for that city.