A TShock factions plugin.
If you want to read this in another language: Spanish
FrankV22 for Spanish support.
Download SFactions.dll and place it in ServerPlugins folder.
Download Abilities.dll and place it in bin folder.
Note: Check Abilities repository regularly, if you want to keep up with balancing updates etc.
You need to grant sfactions.faction
permisson to players' group. Then players will be able to use /faction
Note: Do not grant this permisson to a unregistered player groups.
: Shows the help text.
eg:/f help
: Creates a new faction.
eg:/f create The Furnitures
: Join a faction.
eg:/f join The Furnitures
: Leave the faction.
eg:/f leave
: Rename the faction. (Leader only)
eg:/f rename The Mafia
: Make yourself the leader of the faction, if the leader has left the faction.
eg:/f lead
: Changes the faction's ability (Leader only)
eg:/f ability harvest
eg:/f ability
(This will show all the ability names) -
: Sets or deletes the faction's region. (Leader only)
eg:/f set
(This will set the region that player is inside of as the faction's region. Faction regions are automatically shared with members.)
eg:/f del
(Deletes the link between region and the faction.) -
: Shows your faction's invite type if no arguments were given. But if the player is the leader and a number is given then sets the faction's invite type to that numebr.
eg:/f invitetype
eg:/f invitetype 0
(This will set faction as "Open".)
0 = Open, no need for invite
1 = All members can invite new players
2 = Only leader can invite new players -
: Invites a player to your faction.
eg:/f invite Soofa
: Accepts invitation to join a faction.
eg:/f accept
: Shows the faction's information.
eg:/f info The Furnitures
- In order to cast abilities, players need to use Harp item.
- In order to cycle abilities that have sub-abilities, players need to use Copper Watch item.
- Currently supported abilities are as follow, (you'll need to paste these into EnabledAbilities property in the config file, by default they'll come added already)
- dryadsringofhealing
- ringofdracula
- setsblessing
- adrenaline
- witch
- marthymr
- randomtp
- fairyoflight
- twilight
- harvest
- icegolem
- magicdice
- thebound
- alchemist
- paranoia
- hypercrit