
Implementation of 2D Convolution operation for Neural Networks using Intel x86(i368)/x86-6(amd64) AVX-256 instructions. All data flow methods, i.e input stationary, weight stationary and output stationary are implemented. The forward pass of Alexnet architecture is constructed using it.

Primary LanguageC++

Convolutional Neural Networks implimentation using intel AVX instructions

CS 6886: Systems Engineering for Deep Learning

Assignment 2 Submitted by: Sooryakiran P ME17B174 sooryakiran@smail.iitm.ac.in

To compile everything, cd src make all

To run dummy inference on alexnet once, cd src && ./alexnet

To run dummy inference on alexnet 100 times, cs src && ./alexnet_100

Directory Structure

├── Figures		     // Directory containing all figures
│   └── ...	
├── ME17B174_A2.pdf	     // Copy of report
├── Question.pdf	     // Assignment Questions
├── README.md		     // Goto line 1
├── data		     // Directory containing data used for
│			        plotting
├── report.odt		     // Editable report
└── src
    ├── Makefile	     // Makefile for compilation
    ├── TODO		     // TODO
    ├── alexnet.cpp	     // Alexnet source code
    ├── alexnet_100.cpp	     // Alexnet inf. 100 times source code
    ├── test.cpp	     // Source code for testind individual
    │				layers
    ├── util.cpp	     // Main implimentation of layers
    └── util.h		     // Header file for layer definitions
