
Official Pytorch code for "AesFA: An Aesthetic Feature-Aware Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer" (AAAI 2024)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AesFA: An Aesthetic Feature-Aware Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer (AAAI 2024)

Official Pytorch code for "AesFA: An Aesthetic Feature-Aware Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer"

First co-authors


Figure1 fig_eiffel Neural style transfer (NST) has evolved significantly in recent years. Yet, despite its rapid progress and advancement, exist- ing NST methods either struggle to transfer aesthetic information from a style effectively or suffer from high computa- tional costs and inefficiencies in feature disentanglement due to using pre-trained models. This work proposes a lightweight but effective model, AesFA—Aesthetic Feature-Aware NST. The primary idea is to decompose the image via its frequencies to better disentangle aesthetic styles from the reference image while training the entire model in an end-to-end manner to exclude pre-trained models at inference completely. To improve the network’s ability to extract more distinct representations and further enhance the stylization quality, this work introduces a new aesthetic feature: contrastive loss. Ex- tensive experiments and ablations show the approach not only outperforms recent NST methods in terms of stylization quality, but it also achieves faster inference.


  • python 3.7
  • pytorch 1.13.1

Getting Started:

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/Sooyyoungg/AesFA
cd AesFA


  • Download dataset MS-COCO for content images and WikiArt for style images.
  • Download the pre-trained vgg_normalised.pth.
  • Change the training options in Config.py file.
  • The 'phase' must be 'train'.
  • The 'train_continue' should be 'on' if you train continuously with the previous model file.
    python train.py


  • Download pre-trained AesFA model main.pth
  • Change options about testing in the Config.py file.
  • Change phase into 'test' and other options (ex) data info (num, dir), image load and crop size.
  • If you want to use content and style images with different sizes, you can set test_content_size and test_style_size differently.
  • Also, you can choose whether you want to translate using multi_to_multi or only translate content images using each style image.
    python test.py