Libft is a static library written in C language that provides a set of pre-implemented functions for manipulating strings, characters, arrays, and other common programming operations. The library is designed to be included in C projects, especially those developed as part of the curriculum at 42 Network.
To get started with libft, you can simply download or clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
The repository contains the library's source code, along with a Makefile that can be used to compile the library.
To build the library, simply run the following command in the repository's root directory:
Mandatory : make
Bonus Part: make bonus
This will generate the libft.a file, which can be linked to your C project.
To compile your code you can do:
gcc yourmaincode.c libft.a
The library provides a wide range of functions that cover various common programming operations, such as:
ft_atoi.c, ft_itoa.c, ft_putchar_fd.c, ft_putendl_fd.c, ft_strjoin.c, ft_strdup.c ft_putnbr_fd.c, ft_putstr_fd.c, ft_split.c, ft_strchr.c, ft_strlcat.c, ft_striteri.c ft_strlcpy.c, ft_strlen.c, ft_strmapi.c, ft_strncmp.c, ft_tolower.c, ft_strrchr.c, ft_strtrim.c, ft_substr.c, ft_toupper.c, ft_strnstr.c.
Character manipulation: ft_isalnum.c, ft_isalpha.c, ft_isascii.c, ft_isdigit.c, ft_isprint.c
ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_memalloc, ft_memdel, ft_memccpy.
ft_lstadd_back.c, ft_lstclear.c, ft_lstnew.c, ft_lstdelone.c, ft_lstiter.c, ft_lstlast.c, ft_lstmap.c, ft_lstsize.c, ft_lstadd_front.c.
Each function has it own description at the source of the code as a comment.