
This project aims to introduce students to sorting algorithms and computational complexity. The task involves sorting a given list of numbers using only two stacks and a limited number of movements.

Final Score

Final Score

Completed + Bonus


Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. Rules
  3. Usage
  4. Algorithm
  5. Implementation
  6. Bonus
  7. Additional Resources

Project Overview

The Push swap project is a very simple and a highly straightforward algorithm project: data must be sorted. You have at your disposal a set of integer values, 2 stacks, and a set of instructions to manipulate both stacks. Your goal? Write a program in C called push_swap which calculates and displays on the standard output the smallest program, made of Push swap language instructions, that sorts the integers received as arguments. Easy? We’ll see...

  • Mandatory Part

    1. Sorting the given list of numbers correctly.
    2. Achieving the sort with the least number of movements.
  • Bonus

    1. Creating a checker program that takes the movements as input and verify if the movements correctly sort the given list.


You have two stacks named A and B:

  • Stack A contains a random number of unique negative and/or positive integers.
  • Stack B is initially empty.

The goal is to sort Stack A in ascending order using the following operations:

  • sa (swap a): Swap the top two elements of Stack A. Do nothing if there's only one or no elements.
  • sb (swap b): Swap the top two elements of Stack B. Do nothing if there's only one or no elements.
  • ss: Perform sa and sb simultaneously.
  • pa (push a): Move the top element from Stack B to the top of Stack A. Do nothing if Stack B is empty.
  • pb (push b): Move the top element from Stack A to the top of Stack B. Do nothing if Stack A is empty.
  • ra (rotate a): Shift all elements of Stack A up by one. The top element becomes the last one.
  • rb (rotate b): Shift all elements of Stack B up by one. The top element becomes the last one.
  • rr: Perform ra and rb simultaneously.
  • rra (reverse rotate a): Shift all elements of Stack A down by one. The last element becomes the first one.
  • rrb (reverse rotate b): Shift all elements of Stack B down by one. The last element becomes the first one.
  • rrr: Perform rra and rrb simultaneously.


To run the program:

$ ./push_swap <list_of_integers>

The list can be passed as individual numbers or a single string of space-separated numbers:

$ ./push_swap 1 3 5 4 2 0 -4


$ ./push_swap "1 3 5 4 2 0 -4"

The program outputs the sequence of operations to sort the stack:

$ ./push_swap 0 4 2

If there is an error (e.g., invalid input), it outputs:

$ ./push_swap 0 4 two

If no parameters are passed, it does nothing and returns to the prompt

$ ./push_swap



Error Management


The bonus part includes creating a checker executable to verify the sorting instructions:

$ ./checker <list_of_integers>

You can then input the sorting instructions line-by-line, finishing with Ctrl+D:

$ ./checker 0 4 2

If the stack isn't sorted:

$ ./checker 0 4 2

Bonus Implementation