
Primary LanguageTypeScript





  • Echo was brought back to life by a necromancer. He does not know why, how or where.
  • He wants to find out why he needs to spend more time in this miserable world


  • Someone at the


  • Arnold has settled as a lumberjack, after having lead a life of violence before
  • He wants to find mystwood, a rare type of wood, said to always be cool to the touch
  • It would help him to fashion a box to help keep his dead prey cool for longer.


  • Elara has fled her life as a herbalist after having misidentified a herb, leading to the death of a patient.
  • She keeps her Herbadex always closeby, hoping to categorize all herbs in order to prevent mistakes like hers.


The lake

  • The area around the lake is moody, wet and dark.
  • There is a grumpy old lady sitting on a bench.
  • There is a cat, sitting next to some tables
  • To the right, there is a stone blocking the exit of the lake area. If the player says "friend", the stone rolls away and allows the player to pass to the next location.
  • There is a sea monster in the middle of the lake

Agnes (old lady)

  • Agnes doesnt like to talk much.
  • She is an old fishmonger
  • She is willing to trade her late husbands rusty old sword for a fresh fish from the lake

Poe (cat)

  • Poe is quite chatty and likes to talk about philosophers
  • Poe is willing to tell the adventurer a secret, if he brings him the treasure from the monster
  • The secret is "speak friend and enter"
  • He mentions that the old lady might have something to help fight the monster

The Tower

The Wilderness

The sphinx

The sphinx blocks the way. It offers the player to either walk away unscathed, solve the riddle it's giving them and be allowed to pass, or be attacked if they answer incorrectly. The riddles are:

"Flowing from trees, sweet and sticky, a treat so fine, What essence could this be, in a dark bottle, a hidden sign?

Found in the midst of 'bell' and 'tall', it stands upright and true, Amidst words like 'silent' and 'pearl', it stands firm, straight as a sentinel too.

The sound of movement, continuous and flowing, It’s the tail end of verbs where life is showing.

Now string them together and answer this thing, What young tree is sprouting, ready for spring? sapling"

"Amid eerie whispers and ghostly cheer, Find the beginning of laughter you fear.

Through the raven’s gaze, where night does descend, Look to its core, where shadows extend.

In the haunted woods, beneath the elder tree, The final sound of the eldest sets you free.

Now string them together and speak to the night, Which fragrant bloom calms with its sight?"

"First think of what comes before 'possible', When nothing seems right and cannot be done.

Consider the start of the time when the sun starts to shine, It's early, not late, and often quite fine.

Lastly, a part of 'crystal' you must find, At the end, it's sharp and shines in your mind.

Now string them together and give what you're called, A word that means never to perish, always enthralled."

The Town

The angry person

They are angry because their close relative died because of Elara's accident.


Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur).

Type Support for .vue Imports in TS

TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue imports by default, so we replace the tsc CLI with vue-tsc for type checking. In editors, we need Volar to make the TypeScript language service aware of .vue types.

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev