
(SFL bootcamp)- A challenge to make a website more accessible

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

01 Horiseon: Code Refactor


This task involves a very important aspect of web development: accessibility.

The task was to refactor the code for a marketing agency's website to make it more accessible.

Important: An important rule to follow when working with someone else's code is the Scout Rule, which recommends that you always leave the code a little cleaner than when you found it.

User Story

AS A marketing agency
I WANT a codebase that follows accessibility standards
SO THAT our own site is optimized for search engines

Acceptance Criteria

Your website must meet accessibility standards. You can achieve this completing the following:

  • Semantic HTML elements can be found throughout the source code
  • HTML elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning
  • Image and icon elements contain accessible alt attributes
  • Heading attributes fall in sequential order
  • Title elements contain a concise, descriptive title

Note: This layout is designed for desktop viewing, so you may notice that some of the elements don't look like the mock-up at a resolution smaller than 768px. Eventually you'll learn how to make elements responsive so that your web application is optimized for any screen size.

Link to webpage





Web accessibility is an increasingly important consideration for businesses. It ensures that people with disabilities can access a website using assistive technologies such as video captions, screen readers, and braille keyboards. Making a website accessible is also good for business for many reasons, one of them being that accessible sites are better positioned in search engines like Google. It also helps companies avoid litigation that can occur when people with disabilities cannot access their website.


