PONG in Python! 



You can play this in Python, or, if you are running Linux, by simply downloading zipped distribution file and running the included .exe

-- Play in PYTHON --
To play this version of the game, you will need numpy, skfuzzy and 

Create a folder where you want PONG to reside, and then clone my 
repository into your folder with the 

    $ git clone https://github.com/SophiaMitchell/Python_PONG.git

To play the game, navigate to /Human_Game and simply type 
    $ python pong.py

-- Play with .exe (Linux only!) -- 
To play this version of the game, you don't need python or any 
additional toolkits. Simply plug & play! 

Download the zipped file here: http://sophia-mitchell-ai.com/s/

Just unzip the file, and click the .exe to play!



Currently only the Human_Game  is ready to play. The left player 
uses "Q" and "A" to control their paddle, while the right player 
uses the up and down arrows. 

Now play! The first person to 4 points wins!

Stay tuned for the human vs fuzzy AI version...