
A multiplayer isometric building game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Code Climate Coverage

Logo Bloc is a full stack, isometric, multiplayer building game inspired by lego and Minecraft.

It is a full stack javascript app built with Node.js and Socket-io.

The game is live and can be played at https://bloc-game.herokuapp.com

User stories

As a game
So that I can exist
I want to display a block on a canvas in the browser

Version 2
As a player
So that I can make a structure
I want to put down a block when I left click the mouse

As a game
So that players can connect
I want to serve the index page on a server

As a shape
So that I can set and report my position
I want to have an X, Y and Z coordinate

As a shape
So that I can be different colours
I want to have a red, green and blue value

Full list of user stories...




A small game

A small game

A large game A large game with two players

Demo video Bloc

Technologies & tools


  • Node.js: an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment
  • Webpack: a JavaScript module bundler
  • Socket.io: a JavaScript library that allows for realtime communication between web clients and servers


  • Bootstrap: a front-end web framework for designing websites
  • Socket.io: a JavaScript library that allows for realtime communication between web clients and servers
  • isomer.js : an isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas

Database & authentication

  • MongoDB: an open source database that uses a document-oriented data model
  • Passport.js: an authentication middleware for Node

Testing & coverage

  • Mocha: a feature-rich JavaScript test framework
  • Chai: a unit testing assertion library
  • Sinon: a testing library for mocking and stubbing
  • sinon-chai: a package to use Chai assertions with Sinon
  • Timekeeper: a module to mock the Date class for testing
  • Istanbul: a JavaScript code coverage tool


  • Heroku


  • Trello: a collaborative project management tool


  • Clone the repo
  • cd to the project folder
  • Run npm install
  • Run brew install mongodb and ensure Mongo is available locally on port 27017
  • Create a local MongoDB called bloc
  • You will need a Facebook App ID and Secret to enable Facebook sign in. This can be set up via Facebook Developers. Create a new app and set the site URL to http://localhost:8080. Create a .env file in the root directory including the following:
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=[Your facebook app ID]
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=[Your facebook app secret]

To test:

  • Run npm test

To run the application locally:

Potential feature improvements

  • Refactor and test socket-io communication layer
  • Refactor client javascript to MVC pattern
  • Extract trigonometry to geometry library
  • Improve responsiveness of design


Bloc was built by Sophie Mclean, Christos Paraskeva, Ryan Chu and Joe Maidman as a final project for the February 2017 cohort at Makers Academy.