A simple Unity editor tool for resetting the position and rotation of an armature, assuming it's part of a model prefab. This is useful for when you get stuck in "bike pose" after working on animations.
Save your scene and make a backup just in case!
Open Tools
> SophieBlue
> ArmatureReset
from the menu bar. In the
window that comes up, drag in your avatar and then simply click Reset!
If it works, your avatar should now be reset to its default pose.
There are three methods, pick only one:
Go to my VPM Repository and simply click
Add to VCC
next to the ArmatureReset package!
You can also use VRChat's VPM tool! First add my VPM Repository
vpm add repo https://sophiebluevr.github.io/vpm/index.json
Then you can simply go to your project directory and type:
vpm add package io.github.sophiebluevr.armaturereset
While using VCC or VPM is the preferred method, you can also download the
unitypackage from the releases section in this repository (on the right over
there --> ) and then install the unitypackage the usual way, from the menu bar
in Unity, going to Assets
then Import Package
then Custom Package...
selecting the file.
ArmatureReset is available as-is under MIT. For more information see LICENSE.