
A collection of various simple bash scripts using ffmpeg to make fun/useful stuff with downloaded video content.

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of various simple bash scripts using ffmpeg to make fun/useful stuff with downloaded video content.


Convert and concatenate video files in current directory into one .mp3 file.

Useful for AJATT language learning immersion content.

-o <file out directory>

-n <name>

-f <filetype>


Get random snapshot image from any video content after running snapsoup

-i <n> get n random pictures.

-n <name> get pictures from specific name

-o do not open, only output file

-p pretty output instead of filepath


Generate snapshots of all video files in current directory

Usage: snapsoup -n <name of show>

-f <filetype> (default: mkv)

-e enable episode number in filenames

specify directory for snapshots with snapsoup -d <full/path/to/dir>


renames subtitle files in directory ./subs to match video files for media player auto-detection

-f <filetype> to specify video filetype. (default: mkv)

-o <offset> to skip first <offset> number of episodes