
A wave based mini game and playground for modding

Primary LanguageShell

Mini Game and Playground

The base idea is to create a round based level, with any weapon, any env execution and any hunter.

Based on Manhunt 2 A01 Escape Asylum Level.

How to build

  • download this repository
  • adjust the build.sh

you need to adjust the variable "mht", it need to point to your MHT installation.

  • adjust the copy.sh

you need to adjust the variable "game", it need to point to your Manhunt 2 installation. (No spaces allowed!)

You are on Windows ? well, please create your own batch files and share it with us :)

  • run build.sh
  • run copy.sh

no errors ? Yay, you are done :)

Implemented Weapons

  • 6Shooter
  • Ak47
  • Bag
  • CircularSaw
  • ColtCommando
  • Crossbow
  • Crowbar
  • CutThroatRazor
  • DaedraSword
  • DesertEagle
  • Dildo
  • FireAxe
  • FlareGun
  • Glock
  • Hacksaw
  • Hammer
  • HedgeTrimmer
  • Katana
  • Mace
  • Milkbottle
  • Newspaper
  • NightStick
  • Pen
  • Pliers
  • SawnOffShootgun
  • Shard
  • Shotgun
  • ShotgunTorch
  • Shovel
  • Sickle
  • SledgeHammer
  • SniperRifle
  • Stunprod
  • Syringe
  • Torch
  • TranqRifle
  • Uzi
  • WBBat
  • Wire


Shard RED Execution :

  • Animation taken from PS2 Leak.
  • Add head explosions

Quick tut how to spawn weapon

  • Open src/A01_Escape_Asylum#mls/supported/0#levelscript.srce
  • Search for SpawnMovingEntity, change "Mace_(CT)" to whatever you want.
  • Rebuild with ./build.sh

For questions, problems, or all anything else visit the Dixmor-Hospital Modding community.