A quick and simple launcher for the ReEngergized project. Built with AHK
The issue with the Steam version is you have to run the registry import after the game has launched. This launcher handles that automatically.
Download just click: https://github.com/SoraHjort/AHK_TF_ReEnergized_Launcher/raw/main/TransformersLaunch.ahk
Requires you to install AutoHotKey, so nab the current version (not the v2 beta) from https://www.autohotkey.com/ or https://github.com/Lexikos/AutoHotkey_L/releases
Besure to put the two reg files into the same directory as this launcher. It will yell at you if you didn't.
Make sure they are named the way the discord bot gave them to you. IE: tfcwfc_pc.reg & tfcfoc_pc.reg