Project Description
Here you can find implementations of many hashing algorithms (including all sha3 round 2 and 3 candidates). You can hash files, streams, common types of data. Supported algorithms:
non-cryptographics 32-bits hash algorithms: AP, BKDR, Bernstein, Bernstein1, DEK, DJB, ELF, FNV, FNV1a, JS, Jenkins3, Murmur2, Murmur3, OneAtTime, PJW, RS, Rotating, SDBM, ShiftAndXor, SuperFast non-cryptographic 64-bits algorithms: FNV, FNV1a, Murmur2, SipHash non-cryptographic 128-bits algorithms: Murmur3 checksum algorithms: Adler32, CRC32, CRC64 all algorithms build in System.Security.Cryptography: MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 cryptographic algorithms: GOST, Grindahl, HAS160, Haval, MD2, MD4, MD5, Panama, RadioGatun, RIPEMD, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320, SHA0, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Snefru, Tiger, Tiger2, Whirlpool SHA-3 round 2 candidates: Blake, BlueMidnightWish, CubeHash, Echo, Fugue, Groestl, Hamsi, JH, Keccak, Luffa, Shabal, SHAvite3, SIMD, Skein (as reference I had used optimized x64 version without assembler and SIMD support). SHA-3 round 3 candidates: Blake, Groestl, JH, Keccak, Skein (as reference I had used optimized x64 version without assembler and SIMD support). HMAC for any from above.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using HashLib;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Examples
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Prepare temp file.
string file_name = Path.GetTempFileName();
using (var fs = new FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open))
byte[] v = new byte[256];
new Random().NextBytes(v);
fs.Write(v, 0, v.Length);
// Prepare stream.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });
// Choose algorithm. Explore HashFactory for more algorithms.
IHash hash = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateSHA256();
// Hash data immediate.
HashResult r = hash.ComputeString("test", Encoding.ASCII);
// Hash data.
hash.Initialize(); // Not mandatory after Compute and TransformFinal
r = hash.TransformFinal();
// Calculate 32-bits hash.
hash = HashFactory.Checksum.CreateCRC32_IEEE();
uint crc32 = hash.ComputeString("test", Encoding.ASCII).GetUInt();
// For CRCs you may specify parameters.
hash = HashFactory.Checksum.CreateCRC32(
HashLib.Checksum.CRC32Polynomials.IEEE_802_3, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue);
hash = HashFactory.Checksum.CreateCRC32(
0xF0F0F0F0, uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue);
// Most hashes can be created in two ways.
hash = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateHaval(HashRounds.Rounds3, HashSize.HashSize256);
hash = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateHaval_3_256();
// Calculate 64-bits hash.
hash = HashFactory.Hash64.CreateMurmur2();
ulong crc64 = hash.ComputeString("test", Encoding.ASCII).GetULong();
// Calculate hash with key.
var hash_with_key = HashFactory.Hash128.CreateMurmur3_128();
hash_with_key.Key = new TomanuExtensions.Utils.MersenneTwister().NextBytes(hash_with_key.KeyLength.Value);
r = hash_with_key.ComputeString("test", Encoding.ASCII);
// This will restore default key.
hash_with_key.Key = null;
// Get some information about algorithm. BlockSize has only informative meaning.
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", hash.BlockSize, hash.HashSize, hash.Name);
// Here you can find algorithms grouped by its properties.
foreach (var h in Hashes.CryptoAll)
foreach (var h in Hashes.CryptoNotBuildIn)
foreach (var h in Hashes.CryptoBuildIn)
foreach (var h in Hashes.Checksums)
// ... And more
// Hash stream.
r = hash.ComputeStream(ms);
ms.Position = 2;
r = hash.ComputeStream(ms); // Compute all bytes starting from 2
ms.Position = 3;
r = hash.ComputeStream(ms, 2); // Compute 2 bytes starting from 3
ms.Position = 0;
r = hash.TransformFinal();
// Hash file
r = hash.ComputeFile(file_name);
r = hash.ComputeFile(file_name, 10); // Compute all bytes starting from 10
r = hash.ComputeFile(file_name, 12, 10); // Compute 10 bytes starting from 12.
r = hash.TransformFinal();
// Calculate HMAC.
IHMAC hmac = HashFactory.HMAC.CreateHMAC(HashFactory.Crypto.CreateSHA256());
hmac.Key = Converters.ConvertStringToBytes("secret", Encoding.ASCII);
r = hmac.ComputeString("test", Encoding.ASCII);
Debug.Assert(hmac.KeyLength == null, "NULL means key can be any length");
// Get System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm wrapper for algorithms from this library.
System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm hash2 = HashFactory.Wrappers.HashToHashAlgorithm(hash);
// And back.
hash = HashFactory.Wrappers.HashAlgorithmToHash(hash2);
// Some algorithms have fast specialized methods for calculating hashes for all data types.
// They are designed for calculating good-behaving hash codes for hash-tables.
hash = HashFactory.Hash32.CreateMurmur2();
Debug.Assert(hash is IFastHash32);
// Some algorithms can calculated hashes only when they had all needed data,
// they accumulated data to the very end.
hash = HashFactory.Hash32.CreateMurmur2();
Debug.Assert(hash is INonBlockHash);
// Use build-in cryptography hash algorithms.
hash = HashFactory.Crypto.BuildIn.CreateSHA256Cng();
// Delete temp file.
new FileInfo(file_name).Delete();
One of project in solution. Here you can test speed, quality and calculate hashes.
Temporary projects used to convert some hash functions from C++ to C++ CLI, and finally to C#.