This project is about using the Qt platform to draw time-frequency domain waveforms. It is worth noting that the dynamic waveforms are drawn here, that is, the multi-threading function in Qt is used.
In this project, the software and compilers we used are as follows:
- windows10
- Qt creator 4.9.0
- Qt 5.12.2
- Microsoft Visual C++ Complier 15.0(x86)
The functions of each code file are described as follows(.h and .cpp):
- data_generate_thread:thread function,continuous signal data is generated in this thread.
- colormap:Values corresponding to different colors of the two-dimensional graph
- waterfallwidget:mouse operation, including scroll wheel operation (screen zoom in or zoom out), mouse operation (screen zoom in, restore).
- timefre:receiving time domain data and dynamic display operations, including the short time-frequency transform of time data, three operations of removing the beginning time-frequency data, connecting the end time-frequency data, and displaying the whole time-frequency data.
- mainwindow:the function is directly associated with mainwindow.ui, call data_generate_thread, chartview, acousticwidget three functions to draw dynamic time-frequency-domain waveforms.
- main:call mainwindow function.
The running results of the project are as follows:
- Upload code of project