Forked from the OpenAI GPT-2 Project and modified.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GPT-2M ecompasses an effort to turn OpenAI's GPT-2 developer example into something that can be used with more ease and further extend it's uses towards creative and artisitc means.

Project Goals

  • Text based menu for controlling GPT-2M
  • Support for importing starting samples from a file
  • Support for exporting generated text to a file
  • Introduce support for Tensor 2.*
  • Provide a more user friendly installation process

Setting Up GPT-2M

Instructions adapted and corrected from a Medium article found here. See Developers.md for more information.

  1. Download this repo.
  2. Ensure you have Python 3.7 64bit installed.
    • On Windows, it's helpful to check Add Python (VERSION) to PATH.
    • You should also check to see if your system is linked to use python or python3 in the command line to use Python 3.
    • The version of each command can be checked with python -V or python3 -V.
  3. Open a command window in the GPT-2M Directory.
  4. Run $ pip install -r .\requirements.txt ensuring that pip relates to the one installed for Python 3.
    • An error can occur stating Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.
      1. Scroll down to Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 here.
      2. Download and run the installer.
      3. Check off C++ build tools under the Workloads top header.
      4. Click Install in the bottom right.
      5. Restart the computer when prompted and try this step's pip command again.
    • You may also need to run $ pip install --upgrade setuptools after installing the C++ Build Tools.
  5. Run $ pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0 to install the 1.15.0 (not the most recent) TensorFlow enviroment to your Python 3.7.* installation with GPU priority.
    • Remove the -gpu text to install without GPU priority.
  6. Run $ python download_model.py 774M to download the GPT-2 data model.
    • You should replace python with python3 in all following inputs if that is how your PATHS are setup.
    • You can also replace 774M with 335M or 124M if you want a smaller model download file size but reduced accuracy.
  7. Run $ python \src\interactive_conditional_samples.py --model_name 774M --top_k 40 --tempurature 0.8 to test the output.
    • You will be prompted (after some warnings) with Model prompt >>>. Enter whatever text you want the system to finish here.
      • After hitting Enter the program will run for a while and eventually return a text sample to the console.
    • Hit CTRL+C to exit the execution.
