
LibAlexandria is a standard for storing written works within a computer based library that is both human and machine accessible. This repository contains information about the LibAlexandria standard.

MIT LicenseMIT

LibAlexandria Specifications

A dynamic standard for storing written works.

LibAlexandria is a standard for storing written works within a computer based library that is both human and machine accessible. This repository contains information about the LibAlexandria standard.

Information and example files can be found under the Support Documentation section. This repository also contains links to the currently supported Language Bindings and Toolkits.


Reference Material

  • Library of Congress Classification Codes
  • Markdown Guide: Open source documentation on the Markdown format.
  • Pandoc: A Universal Document Converter.

Language Bindings

Language Bindings provide native support for the LibAlexandria standard in the specified language.