It just create typescript classes from mongoose model or schema.
It works with (MongooseType : TypescriptType):
- Number : number
- String : string
- Boolean : boolean
- Date : Date
- Array : Array
- ObjectID (not _id) : Referenced model class
- ObjectID (_id) : string
It assigns default value for each variable (especially classes instances, so you don't have any errors in angular with a damn object being undefined. )
$ npm install -g mongoose-to-typescript
The model files must be as follow classNameModel.js (for example AuthorizedWeightCategoryModel.js)
Generates a typescript class from a mongoose model file:
$ sudo mongoose-to-typescript -p ./models/ -m -o ./output
Created AuthorizedWeightCategory.ts
Created AutoSinister.ts
Created BusinessProvider.ts
Created Customer.ts
Created Enterprise.ts
Created PaymentFrequency.ts
Created Person.ts
Created Policy.ts
Created Position.ts
-V, --version
- output the version number
-p, --path <inputPath>
- Input directory where your schema or model are
-m, --model
- to translate mongoose model to typescript
-s, --schema
- to translate mongoose schema (not model, light difference) to typescript
-o, --output <output>
- Output directory
-h, --help
- output usage information
- string
- number
- date
- boolean
- array
- objectId
output/Vehicle.ts :
import VehicleBrand from './VehicleBrand';
import VehicleModel from './VehicleModel';
import Customer from './Customer';
class Vehicle
public brand : VehicleBrand = VehicleBrand();
public model : VehicleModel = VehicleModel();
public immatriculation : string = "";
public owner : Customer = Customer();
public _id : string = "";
Copyright (c) 2018 Thomas Cruveilher Licensed under the MIT license.