
This repository contains a Stochastic POS Tagger implemented using Python 3.8.

Primary LanguagePython

Stochastic POS Tagger: HMM-based

PoS tagging consists in assigning a tag to each word of a corpus. The choice of which tagset to use depends on the language/application. The input is a string of words and a tagset from use, the output instead is the association of the most appropriate tag to each word. To better understand what a pos tagger of this type is, I recommend this reading: https://www.mygreatlearning.com/blog/pos-tagging/.

The datasets were taken from the web site https://universaldependencies.org/


In this project I have tried different types of training set processing by changing the way of treating words and saving the odds.

Storing words methods:

  • 1: all words are stored in lowercase;
  • 2: all words are stored as they are read in the training set without doing any operation.

Storing probabilities methods:

  • 1: P (wi | ti) for a word w_i never encountered with the tag ti in the training set is set to 0. The same is true for the probabilities P(ti | ti - 1) of the tag sequences never encountered;
  • 2: a word encountered only with a tag ti ∈ I = {NOUN, ADJ, VERB, ADV, PROPN}, will take ti with a probability of 99% and tj ∈ I \ ti with a probability of 0.25%. A similar argument holds for the probabilities of tag sequences P (ti | ti - 1) as explained above.

Smoothing methods:

  • 1: P(word|PROPN) = 1 and P(word|tag != PROPN) = 0
  • 2: P(word|ti) = P(ti) where

f(tk) = frequency of the tag tk - **3:** P (word|ti) = P (W1 |ti) where W1 is the set made up of all those words that appear only once in the training set. The probability distribution is calculated by taking into account only words that appear only once in the training set and are assigned to new word word.


To run this project you have to set --training-set and --test-set parameters that indicate the path of the two dataset. You can set also the parameter --validation-set that will be added to the training set. Other parameters that you can set are:

  • --storing-data: words storing method;
  • --storing-prob: probability storing method;
  • --smoothing: smoothing method for the unknown words.

Example of command:

python3 app.py --training-set=ud-treebanks-v2.3/UD_English-LinES/en_lines-ud-train.conllu --validation-set=ud-treebanks-v2.3/UD_English-LinES/en_lines-ud-dev.conllu --test-set=ud-treebanks-v2.3/UD_English-LinES/en_lines-ud-test.conllu