This is the first assignment of the cloud computing course. The main ideas are:
- Created a simple website using the Django framework.
- Using IBM cloud services to comment on the movies.
- Speech to text: user has to send his comment by sending a recorded voice. Then, by passing the voice to the IBM Speech2text service, it is converted to text.
- Natural language processing: We need to process the text, and if it's not aggressive, we store it on the database. To do that, we also used an IBM service on the cloud.
- Comment translation: The comments are visible in three different languages. English, German, and Spanish. For English, the comments are directly read from the database, but for the other two languages, after making a query, the comment is sent to one of IBM cloud services, and the translated message is shown on the webpage.
Note: For security purposes,
is not available on this repository since secret and API keys are there.