CLI Zippyshare uploader written in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


CLI Zippyshare uploader written in Python.
People have been seen selling my tools. DO NOT buy them. My tools are free and always will be.
Windows binaries
Download from Zippyshare with ZS-DL. Running on Linux.

 _____ _____     _____ __
|__   |   __|___|  |  |  |
|   __|__   |___|  |  |  |__
|_____|_____|   |_____|_____|

usage: zs-ul.py [-h] -p PATHS [PATHS ...] [--private] [--proxy PROXY]
                [-o OUTPUT] [-w] [-t TEMPLATE] [-r {0,1,2,3,4,5}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATHS [PATHS ...], --paths PATHS [PATHS ...]
                        Paths to look in for files to upload. Files in
                        subfolders will also be included.
  --private             Set uploaded files to private.
  --proxy PROXY         HTTPS only. <IP>:<port>.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path of text file to write URLs to. Customizable with
                        the template arg.
  -w, --wipe            Wipe output text file before writing to it.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Output text file template. Vars: file_url, filename,
  -r {0,1,2,3,4,5}, --retries {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        How many times to re-attempt failed uploads. Default =


Upload all of the files in E:\Linux ISOs and F:\More Linux ISOs, then write the output to G:\out.txt with the default template.
zs-ul_x64.exe/zs-ul.py -p "E:\Linux ISOs" "F:\More Linux ISOs" -o G:\out.txt


E:\Linux ISOs\test_upload.zip.001
E:\Linux ISOs\test_upload.zip.002
E:\Linux ISOs\New folder\test_upload.zip
F:\More Linux ISOs\test_upload.zip.001
F:\More Linux ISOs\test_upload.zip.002

You can configure the output with the -t arg. {file_path}\n{file_url}\n was used here.
If you do not specify an output, links will be printed to the console instead.
ZS-UL will also include all files inside of subfolders (see the third path above).