
it's possible?

Gedehamsen021 opened this issue · 8 comments

it's possible server create a object intead clients create a object?

like if timer = 10 the console will spawn a object

I'm not sure what you're asking, but it looks like you want Clickteam Fusion help? This repo is explicitly for C++ Bluewing standalone server, not the C++ Bluewing Server extension for Fusion, which you can find the open-source code for here.

If you want help with Fusion, may I suggest the Clickteam Discord?

in the case is for this standalone server, like i can send objects from server to clients instead client to client

like a global timer, the server handle a timer for all rooms whether or not a user

There's already an example of a global timer that runs every second to update the message count and bytes sent/received, which you can see under globalmsgrecvcounttimer. You can take a look at that and adapt it to your needs.

sure, because i need spawn a monster in all rooms using the server side

and it's possible create a channel without a user?, like the server starts and create 5 channels and when a player connect he can chose a one of this 5 channels

Yep, you want to use
globalserver->createchannel(channelName, masterClient, hidden, autoclose);
Since you're making without a master, pass nullptr for client, and autoclose false.

If you're creating while the server is running, you should check if the channel name is in use by searching for it, there's an example in the Fusion extension.

The channel may close after the last client leaves. There's no way to prevent that, but you can just create the channel again.

You can also set up a join channel request handler that will check the channel name being joined is one of the ones you want.

Closing this for inactivity.