Angular 2+ binding to SortableJS. Previously known as angular-sortablejs
- 15
Wrong display order on Angular 9
#189 opened by snalesso - 12
- 18
Support Angular 13
#250 opened by xibriz - 18
Compatibility with the Ivy view engine
#283 opened by Yawarzy - 9
Support Angular 12
#242 opened by nunoarruda - 2
Unable to evaluate this expression statically
#253 opened by IbrahimSabry - 2
- 1
Publish an Ivy distribution
#252 opened by nunoarruda - 0
Angular 11 simple sorting not working
#282 opened by Gauravseta - 0
- 1
Unmount Plugins on ngDestroy
#249 opened by earlvhin - 0
How to set a boundary to the drag operation
#272 opened by jishnuvp - 0
Make hold to start dragging
#268 opened by kopyl - 3
Incorrect order after adding an element in array
#254 opened by Pacofication - 3
Angular 6 issue compatibility
#245 opened by bashayerAlsalman - 0
Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...Processing legacy "View Engine" libraries
#261 opened by Yamesh1994 - 0
Escape to cancel drag/drop operation
#258 opened by COBRASoft5 - 2
- 4
Module '"ngx-sortablejs"' has no exported member 'SortablejsOptions'.ts in Angular 12
#251 opened by kibria06cse - 1
Animation is broken on --prod builds
#228 opened by romankh - 1
Issue with dragging last item in last row
#229 opened by AlirezaPhf - 0
Does not work with Angular Material Grid List
#247 opened by vuras - 0
- 0
Mobile reordering is spotty
#230 opened by bw7432 - 0
Access to moved, added, or removed item
#225 opened by joelcoxokc - 2
- 0
Support Angular 9
#224 opened by Blackbaud-JasonBodnar - 3
support Angular 11
#218 opened by sedrak1987 - 2
angular10 order wrong
#214 opened by ue360 - 1
Scrolling is not working properly.
#223 opened by pratik-logistic - 2
- 0
- 0
Is there default design?!
#216 opened by robertnicjoo - 4
wrong version tag latest on NPM?
#212 opened by gmaggiodev - 1
SortablejsOptions is deprecated
#203 opened by rat17sri - 1
Angular 9 support
#187 opened by ggarbereder - 1
Angular 10 support missing
#199 opened by bjornharvold - 0
Angular animation breaks after reordeding
#209 opened by Rigidoont - 0
Direction not working correctly in a grid
#208 opened by B-o-s-s-e - 1
Issue with the draggable items.
#206 opened by vanshajrai09 - 2
Issue while dragging the item.
#205 opened by vanshajrai09 - 1
Drag and drop column to another row in table.
#210 opened by rajgohel - 10
Looking for maintainer
#197 opened by smnbbrv - 0
How to Prevent Drop Before on Specific Indexes
#204 opened by onur-ozguzel - 0
- 1
- 1
Hi, How to sort in multiple levels?
#195 opened by lybtt - 0
- 1
- 0
Dragging from one component and dropping into another clears data for the second last object from array
#191 opened by nilamJadhavClarion