Detecting drop of items onto dropzone before destination list is updated.
colinbes opened this issue · 1 comments
I am confused as to the status of multidrag/drop support in vuedraggable-next. I see mention made of adding it to library but nothing more.
In my case I don't need to do a multi select as my select object contains a list of elements and all I need to do is intercept this drop on my target and bypass merging of list and do it myself but I don't know what event to listen to - it appears that @change event is too late as items are already added.
As example:
Drop zone has: [{name: 'Bob', age: 30}, {name: 'Ann', age: 32}, {name: 'Ari', age: 20}]
and I drop [{name: 'Curt', age: 40}, {name: 'Mary', age: 33}] over second position I end up with
[{name: 'Bob', age: 30}, [{name: 'Curt', age: 40}, {name: 'Mary', age: 33}],{name: 'Ann', age: 32}, {name: 'Ari', age: 20}]
I can clear this up by splicing but @change event is too late as the rendering has already started and I get errors of and element.age not being valid for 2nd item in updated list which is correct as it's an array. If I could somehow tap into event before the destination list is updated I can work around this.
What I have done for now is to use the v-model for specifying the list as it doesn't auto update list on changes as :list does.
Working code snippet:
<draggable class="dragArea"
const list2 = ref<StageModuleNG[]>([])
onMounted(async () => {
const recipes = getRecipes()
list2.value = recipes[0].program //mock
const theList = computed({
get: () => list2.value,
set: (list: StageModuleNG[]) => {
let newList: StageModuleNG[] = []
list.forEach((value: any, _index: number) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(item => newList.push(item))
} else {
list2.value = newList
I am sure this can be further optimized but for now is a working proof of concept