Vue 3 compatible drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js
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I don't know how to specify item-key
#267 opened by nickear - 5
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nested demo question
#275 opened by Benjaminbai - 4
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CDN link not found
#274 opened by rosssaris - 1
Add #empty slot
#262 opened by arthabus - 2
problems with build in node 18
#237 opened by friedt - 0
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grid或者flex布局, direction: rtl 从右往左排序,拖动会出问题
#270 opened by xuexirong - 0
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transition does not work
#228 opened by murilolivorato - 1
Package future, versioning etc
#263 opened by jasonsaayman - 0
how to set dragging item class?
#266 opened by zhoufanglu - 3
vite vue3 hmr 热更新失效
#256 opened by yijiang0311 - 2
is this still maintained?
#260 opened by jakub-gawlik - 1
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Nested sorting
#265 opened by michaelsboost - 2
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is actively managed?
#245 opened by sinisarudan - 1
verision:4.1.0 Error after dragging
#257 opened by daughterRui - 1
Elements from different groups can be dragged and dropped into each other
#258 opened by Codesvoyager - 1
[feat] Add typed custom event for @start and @end events. (TypeScript Support)
#225 opened by dannysmc95 - 1
Bug when vuedraggable@next with inputs
#246 opened by polux-rox - 1
Not working with events
#255 opened by khalednadam - 2
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[Feature Request] Allow indirect dragging for some items, i.e. header and footer items
#253 opened by Jaimish00 - 0
Get the destination list by clone
#252 opened by SciManJD - 4
Problems with vuetify v-data-table
#235 opened by fractalf - 0
[Help] How to get information new object
#251 opened by Lou14me - 0
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the template can not use component?
#248 opened by knowwhythat - 0
Drag and Drop Outside to a div
#249 opened by vishnug-bridge - 0
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[help] add sample for nested with Pinia store
#244 opened by DevPlus31 - 0
ERROR npm run server
#243 opened by onigetoc - 0
[Help] How to use with b-tabs (bootstrap)
#242 opened by gabmed - 1
Dragged Item disappear when moved to empty Column
#241 opened by Gabrielr47 - 4
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'element' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
#231 opened by luisrossi - 0
Can not create nested lists
#239 opened by camohub - 0
[Help] Get parent element during onMove event
#238 opened by bpolaszek - 0
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The "move" event don't work as expected?
#232 opened by dec - 0
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belated removal of the ghost class
#229 opened by DenysBorysenko1 - 1
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selective drop
#226 opened by mgiraldo - 0
How do I prevent drop to another list?
#223 opened by vedmant