
Doc Havoc's Immediate Evac does not let the Sentinels discard/draw cards

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Describe the bug
Immediate Evac does not allow the Southwest Sentinels to discard a card and draw two, even when they have at least one card in their hand.

What does it affect
Card: Immediate Evac
Decks: Doc Havoc, The Sentinels

To Reproduce

  1. Start a game with both the Sentinels and Doc Havoc. Optionally, include Team Leader Tachyon as your third member to draw Immediate Evac more quickly.
  2. Draw Immediate Evac as Doc Havoc. Make sure the Sentinels have at least one card in their hand. (The second part should be easy, even without Tachyon.)
  3. Play Immediate Evac. Select the Sentinels. Select "Discard a card and draw 2 cards."
  4. You are simply asked to choose a second player to decide what to do.

Expected behavior
When selecting the "discard a card and draw two cards" option, I would be given a prompt to discard a card, followed by the animation that plays of two cards being drawn.

Additional context
Tested this several times the first time I encountered it. Once I beat that game, I started a second test game immediately and found the same issue. The first game used the Adamant Sentinels, the second used the base Sentinels. Both used base Doc Havoc, and were set in different environments, against different villains, and with different teammates.
The bug occurs whether the Sentinels are selected last in the "Choose someone to decide what to do" dialogue box, or first, or whenever. But selecting them first lets you see the bug more quickly.
Moving a card from trash to hand works fine.