
Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy! always destroys Abracadabra!

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Describe the bug
When Abracadabra! and Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy! copying Abracadabra are both in play, they will both prompt to save any other hero cards that get destroyed. When we choose Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy! to move the card being destroyed to hand, Abracadabra! is destroyed instead of it.

What does it affect
Card(s): Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy!, Abracadabra!
Deck(s): Guise, Magnificent Mara

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have Mara play Abracadabra!
  2. Have Guise play Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy! copying Mara
  3. Have a third hero card be played and destroyed, and select "Yes" when prompted by Guise to move the card to hand anyway
  4. Abracadabra! gets destroyed anyway

Expected behavior
Uh, Yeah, I'm That Guy! should be destroyed. Abracadabra! should remain in play.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Root cause of issue seems to be incorrect this binding on AfterDestroyedAction callback - fix uses Journal to get around this