The source code for a line follower and maze solving robot, used for the Polymaze competition by vic-spark-enp.
The robot utilizes the following modules:
- ESP 32 Wroom 32D development board (30 pin)
- 4 x N20 DC motors
- 2 x L293D motor driver IC
- 74HC04 NOT gate IC
- Qtr A8 IR array sensor
- TCS34725 color sensor
- 4 x LiPo 503450 3.7v 1000mAh battery
- 7805 linear voltage regulator IC
- RGB Led
- Buzzer
Be sure to have the following libraries installed:
- Wire
- Adafruit TCS34725
- Adafruit BusIO
To use the robot, you'll need to upload the code to the ESP32 WROOM 32D development board using the Arduino IDE. Follow these steps:
- Connect the ESP32 WROOM 32D development board to your computer using a USB cable.
- Open the src/src.ino file in the Arduino IDE.
- In the "Tools" menu, select the appropriate board ("ESP32 Dev Module") and the port.
- Click the "Upload" button to upload the code to the development board.
- Once the code is uploaded, disconnect the USB cable and power the robot using the 4 LiPo batteries.