
Cookingreactcapstone is a walkthrought project made to test generic methods to ascendently design a easy way to create grid systems. -withoud third partyes.

Primary LanguageSCSS

React&Redux Capstone Project

This project is about cooking and its up to allow users to keep updated with specific dates and meals, and also having a fair amount of utilities that allows cooking for simpler.

  • Features
  • Read & Consult Recipes
  • Consult & References Categories


  • Alarms
  • Grocery Lists
  • Recipe Step Assistant
  • User Scope Sessions to persist on changes and updates

Built With

  • Javascript,
  • ES6,
  • Babel
  • Create-react-app
  • React-testing-library
  • redux
  • redux-persist
  • node-sass
  • react-router-dom

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

Hi this is armando, and am going to be presenting this project.

This is a site i also wanted to do for myselft is about cooking so if you go throught the page and click any of the recipes you see you may be able to see more details about it maybe a video a description or some tools that may help you breaking throught it.

Once nice thing about the features of this page is not is not using anything like bootstrap, its made using my own single hand scss wich allows me have a particular amount of options i do like to have around.

Some of the features i this page have in it, is that i can filter either using the search input in the begining of the page or using the popular categories so it will send you there using the same page.

Also this site allows you clicking recipes go inside and check for details thought is not using any interface at the moment, it has a lot of qualities that can give a good experience once you give it space to style.

So the data is requested each time when the user gets in to the home page, the app will always load that view since it is good to keep it updated, when comes about the details page the data will always keep there for about 60 seconds, after 15 seconds the app wont hydrate none of the details of it.

This apps manages to update and persist information using redux so all the information is centralized using components and containers. this is important since redux itself has along anothers libraries you can use with like redux-persist and from then make your own expiration tickets.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.



This project was built using Node 16.14.1, to compile the source follow up install procedure and run it.


Run tests


👤 Sotoarmando

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.