IMD0905 - Data Science I

  • Lesson #01

    • Motivation
  • Lesson #02

    • How to Become a Data Scientist
    • Development platform
    • Hello World
    • Python Beginnner
  • Lesson #03

    • Dictionaries
    • Functions
    • Debugging errors
  • Lesson #04

    • Modules
    • Iteractions
    • List comprehensions
  • Lesson #05

    • String and data operations
  • Lesson #06

    • 7 day python challenge - Kaggle
  • Lesson #07

    • Numpy Overview
    • Understanding NumPy ndarrays
    • Selecting and slicing
    • Arithmetic operations
    • Adding rows and columns
    • Sorting
  • Lesson #08

    • Reading CSV files with NumPy
    • Boolean Arrays
    • Boolean Index
    • Assigning values
    • Challenge
  • Lesson #09

    • Introduction to Pandas
    • Dataframe vs Series
    • Selecting items
    • Assignments
    • Boolean indexes
  • Lesson #10

    • Select columns, rows and individual items using their integer location
    • Work with integer axis labels
    • How to use pandas methods to produce boolean arrays
    • Use boolean operators to combine boolean comparisons to perform more complex analysis
    • Use index labels to align data
    • Use aggregation to perform advanced analysis using loops
  • Lesson #11

    • Reading CSV files with encodings
    • Cleaning column names
    • Converting a string column to numeric
    • Extracting Values from the start/end of strings
    • Correcting bad values
    • Dropping missing values
  • Lesson #12

    • Exam (20%)
  • Lesson #13

    • Storytelling from geographic data
    • Case study: open flights
    • Geographic coordinate system: problems
    • Basemap toolkit
  • Lesson #14

    • Folium
    • Maps styles, markers, color and icon types
    • Marker clusters
    • Heatmap
    • Popups
  • Lesson #15

    • Case study: IBGE
    • Geojson
    • Creating Choropleths maps
  • Lesson #16

    • Case study: NYC open data (education)
    • Data cleaning walkthrough
    • Combining data
  • Lesson #17

    • Case study: NYC open data (education)
    • Groupby
    • Merge (inner, outer, right, left)
  • Lesson #18

    • Case Study - Jonh Snow Map