
Shell script for syncing a fork/origin's branch with the upstream branch

Primary LanguageShell

Fork Sync

This is a small bash script I have written for syncing multiple modules that share dependancies and branch names.


  • Modify the projects file in the project.
    • Create a new line for each repository on your system you wish to sync.
    • Path must be absolute: /path/from/root/to/project/
    • Lines starting with # are ignored in the projects file.
  • You probably need to give syncb executable privledges.
    • sudo chmod +x syncb
  • Create an alias and environment variable your shell's configuration file i.e. .bashrc or .zshrc
    • Example: export SYNCB_HOME=~/projects/fork-sync/
    • Example: alias syncb="~/projects/fork-sync/syncb"
    • You can skip this part and run the script directly if you want.
  • Thats all you need!


  • You have to have git CLI installed. (duh)
  • This script assumes upstream is set to the original remote respository. (The repo you forked)
  • This script assumes origin is set to the remote fork respository. (Your remote fork)


> syncb {branchName}

How it works

The script will iterate over each project listed in the projects file.

  1. Stash any current changes.
  2. Fetch from origin and upstream.
  3. Checkout the specified branch from origin, if it doesn't exist, upstream
    • If its unable to checkout, script will stop for that project, pop stash, and move on.
  4. Pull any changes from the upstream repository.
  5. Push any new changes from upstream to origin.
  6. Pop the stash, leaving your uncommitted changes back the way they were! (Unless they conflict with new changes).