
Load Balancer Built in Go

Primary LanguageGo


A for-fun Load Balancer written in Golang.


  • Load Balancing (It balances your load)
  • Weighted Priority Queue (Based on pending requests)
  • Configuable via API requests
  • Passive Healthchecks
  • Down Detection

Getting Started


  • Golang 1.16+


  1. Checkout this repository.
  2. Run go build . in the project directory.
  3. Execute ./go-balance to startup the server.
  4. Using the configuration API below, register hosts, and adjust settings.
  5. Profit 💰

Configuration API

The load balancer accepts configuration requests on port 4501. You can cofigure the following with the configuration API:

  • Health check frequency is seconds. (Default: 60s)
  • Configure number of retries before failing a request. (Default: 5s)
  • Configure the delay between retries. (Default: 1000ms)
  • De/Register Hosts/Nodes to the load balancer.

POST /config

The /config endpoint is responsible for global settings on the load balancer.

hcFrequency: Health check freqency in seconds.

retries: Number retries before failing request.

retryDelay: Number of milliseconds between retries.

    "hcFrequency": 30,
    "retries": 2,
    "retryDelay": 200

Sample curl command

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"hcFrequency\":30, \"retries\":5, \"retryDelay\":200}" localhost:4501/config

POST /register

The /register endpoint is responsible to assigning host/nodes to the load balancer.

    "url": "https://<HOST>:<PORT>"

Sample curl command

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"url\":\"http://localhost:3000\"}" localhost:4501/register

POST /deregister

The /deregister endpoint is responsible to removing host/nodes from the load balancer.

    "url": "https://<HOST>:<PORT>"

Sample curl command

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"url\":\"http://localhost:3000\"}" localhost:4501/deregister