


  • 6 VMs

    • 3 Master nodes
    • 3 Worker nodes
  • Resources per node

    • 2 VCPUs
    • 4 Gio RAM
    • 50 Gio Disk
  • OS

    • Debian 11 - 'Bullseye'

Provisionning the cluster:

$ ansible-playbook -i ansible-k3s-cluster/inventory.ini ansible-k3s-cluster/main.yml

Configuring the cluster

  • Add Flannel CNI
    For some reason Flannel is not embedded by default with k3sup
    $ kubectl create -f kube/kube-flannel.yaml

If ever the flannel pods crashloopbackoff check the logs, if it's a podCIDR problem check your address ranges and modify the kube-flannel.yml file accordingly in the net-conf.json key

- Get podCIDR
$ kubectl get node k3s-<node> -o=jsonpath='{.spec.podCIDR}'

- Modification of the kube-flannel file, example:
  net-conf.json: |
      "Network": "",
      "Backend": {
        "Type": "vxlan"

- reload of configuration:
$ kubectl delete -f kube/kube-flannel.yaml 
$ kubectl create -f kube/kube-flannel.yaml 
  • Force restart of CoreDNS
    $ kubectl -n kube-system delete pod -l k8s-app=kube-dns

  • Prevent pod scheduling on masters
    $ kubectl taint nodes k3s-master-node-1 k3s-master-node-2 k3s-master-node-3 node-type=master:NoSchedule

  • Create new NS
    $ kubectl create ns monitoring

Install Grafana

  • Adding the Grafana repository to Helm :
    $ helm repo add grafana

  • Update helm repository:
    $ helm repo update

  • Installing Grafana:
    $ helm upgrade --install --namespace monitoring grafana grafana/grafana -f helm-charts/grafana/values.yaml

  • Get Credentials:
    $ kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

  • Create a port-forward to access Grafana locally

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

$ kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $POD_NAME 3000
  • Access to Grafana:

Install Victoria Metrics

Adding the Grafana repository to Helm:
$ helm repo add victoria-metrics

Update helm repository :
$ helm repo update

Installing Victoria Metrics Cluster:
$ helm upgrade --install --namespace monitoring --create-namespace victoria-metrics victoria-metrics/victoria-metrics-cluster -f helm-charts/victoria-metrics/values.yml

Adding the datasource in grafana

In grafana add a new datasource of type Prometheus, rename it Victoria Metrics and give it this URI:

Install VM-Agent

helm upgrade --install --namespace monitoring vm-agent victoria-metrics/vmagent -f helm-charts/vmagent/values.yml

Start operating ! 🚀