
DEFCON 30 Mainframe buffer overlow workshop container

Primary LanguageREXX

DEF CON 30 Workshop Mainframe Container


The scripts here are used to build the MVS 3.8j virtual mainframe for the DEFCON 30 workshop.

Use docker

Minimal Container

You can use docker instead of building from scratch: https://hub.docker.com/r/mainframed767/defcon30

Thank you for taking a look at the DEFCON 30 Mainframe Buffer Overflow workshop. This docker container has everything you need to learn how to do MVS buffer overflows!

To start the class run this command to deploy the container and go to http://localhost:8080

docker run -d \
  --name=defcon30 \
  -e HUSER=defcon \
  -e HPASS=defcon \
  -p 2323:3223 \
  -p 8888:8888 \
  -p 2121-2141:2121-2141 \
  -p 8443:8443 \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 31337-31347:31337-31347 \
  -v ~/dumps:/printers \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Ports explained:

  • 2323: 3270 server port
  • 8443: Web based tn3270 client, the secret is D3FC0N
  • 8888: Hercules console web server. Username/password: defcon
  • 8080: The workshop instructions
  • 2121-2141 & 31337-31347: Range of web ports for FTP server

Python scripts mentioned can be found here: https://github.com/mainframed/DC30_Workshop/tree/main/extra

Expert Container

This exposes more ports and allows you to have volumes with permanence. Gives access to the hercules and MVS consoles, the card readers/writers, etc.

docker run -d \
  --name=defcon30 \
  -e HUSER=docker \
  -e HPASS=docker \
  -p 3221:3221 \
  -p 2323:3223 \
  -p 3270:3270 \
  -p 3505:3505 \
  -p 3506:3506 \
  -p 8888:8888 \
  -p 2121:2121 \
  -p 8443:8443 \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 31337-31347:31337-31347 \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/config:/config \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/printers:/printers \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/punchcards:/punchcards \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/logs:/logs \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/dasd:/dasd \
  -v $(pwd)/docker/certs:/certs \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Port Description
2323 TLS Encrypted TN3270 Server Port
3270 Unencrypted TN3270 Server Port
3221 Encrypted FTPD server
2121 Unencrypted FTP Server Port
8443 Web based 3270 client which auto connects to lab mainframe https://localhost:8443
8080 The class Wiki https://localhost:8080
8888 Hercules Web Server/MVS Console. User/pass = docker
3505 Punch card reader. Converts ASCII to EBCDIC.
3506 Punch card reader. Only accepts EBCDIC files.
31337-32337 FTP Server passive port range


Folder Description
/config Contains the Hercules and web3270 config files
/printers Contains the output of the printers on CLASS=A
/punchcards Contains the output of the puncard writer on CLASS=B
/logs Contains Hercules logs
/dasd Contains the MVS/CE disk images
/certs Contains the certificates used for TLS encryption


Username Password Description
IBMUSER SYS1 Adminstrative User with access to everything
MVSCE01 CUL8TR Adminstrative User with access to everything
MVSCE02 PASS4U Generic User
DC0 DC0 DEFCON Workshop User
DC1 DC1 DEFCON Workshop User
DC2 DC2 DEFCON Workshop User
DC3 DC3 DEFCON Workshop User
DC4 DC4 DEFCON Workshop User
DC5 DC5 DEFCON Workshop User
DC6 DC6 DEFCON Workshop User
DC7 DC7 DEFCON Workshop User
DC8 DC8 DEFCON Workshop User
DC9 DC9 DEFCON Workshop User
DC10 DC10 DEFCON Workshop User
DC11 DC11 DEFCON Workshop User
DC12 DC12 DEFCON Workshop User
DC13 DC13 DEFCON Workshop User
DC14 DC14 DEFCON Workshop User
DC15 DC15 DEFCON Workshop User
DC16 DC16 DEFCON Workshop User
DC17 DC17 DEFCON Workshop User
DC18 DC18 DEFCON Workshop User
DC19 DC19 DEFCON Workshop User
DC20 DC20 DEFCON Workshop User
DC21 DC21 DEFCON Workshop User
DC22 DC22 DEFCON Workshop User
DC23 DC23 DEFCON Workshop User

⚠️ With the current setup the maximum number of concurrent users is 24. If a 25th user logs on you get the following error message IKT00203I ADDRESS SPACE CREATION FAILED.

Building from scratch

  • Download the most recent version of MVSCE from https://github.com/MVS-sysgen/sysgen/releases
  • Copy the vulnerable FTPD server to MVP: cp extra/FTPD.MVP MVSCE/MVP/packages
  • Launch MVSCE
  • Submit the job MACLFTPF.jcl: cat jcl/MACLFTPF.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Submit the job logon_screen.jcl: cat jcl/logon_screen.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Submit the job terminal.jcl: cat terminal.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Clone the ARBAUTH repo: git clone https://github.com/jake-mainframe/ARBAUTH
  • Run the python script upload.py: ./upload.py motd.txt
  • Submit the job upload.jcl: cat upload.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505
  • Install https://github.com/mvslovers/rdrprep on your Linux box
  • Clone https://github.com/mvslovers/jcc to this folder
  • Install wine and wine 32: sudo apt install wine wine32
  • Compile GETSPLOIT/hello.c:
    • wine ./jcc/jcc.exe -I./jcc/include -o ./GETSPLOIT/hello.c
    • ./jcc/prelink -s ./jcc/objs hello.load hello.obj
  • Copy hello.load to ./GETSPLOIT: cp hello.load GETSPLOIT
  • Run usersjcl.py: ./usersjcl.py
  • Convert each job in the users folder with rdrprep and submit them one by one:
    • for i in *.jcl; do echo $i;rdrprep $i;cat reader.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3506; read; done
    • You can check the output of MVSCE printers/prt00e.txt to see each job completed
  • Shutdown MVS/CE
  • Re-IPL MVS/CE and enjoy your lab environment
  • Then download web3270 from https://github.com/MVS-sysgen/web3270
  • Follow the instructions on how to prepare for web3270
  • Edit web3270.ini as appropriate
  • Launch web3270 with python3 -u ./server.py --config /path/to/config --certs /path/to/certs


  • GETSPLOIT/hello.c vulnerable C program from https://github.com/jake-mainframe/GETSPLOIT
  • ARBAUTH from https://github.com/jake-mainframe/ARBAUTH
  • EBCDIC files overflows/LGBT400, overflows/LOC400, overflows/WTO400
  • Dockerfile used to build docker image
  • MACLFTPD.jcl: JCL file to install MACLIBS and FTPD server using MVP
  • logon_screen.ans/jcl/logon_screen.jcl: ANSI/JCL to replace the NETSOL logon screen
  • upload.py generates JCL used to provision datasets, copy files and get the system ready
  • jcl/terminals.jcl adds 32 new terminal interfaces and updates VTAM config
  • usersjcl.py creates DC00.jcl through DC23.jcl in the ./users folder
  • automation.py a MVS automation python script used to deploy to docker
  • matrix.txt Follow the white rabbit
  • rexx/DEBRUIJN.rex: REXX script to generate de Bruijn pattern
  • rexx/decodei.rex: decodes MVS hex instructions to human readeable
  • motd.txt the CLIST run at logon to TSO
  • mvs.sh the container run script to launch web3270, hercules