
The main function of our application is the management of products, customers and also the orders made by these customers; either completed orders or orders under revision. However, to eventually put this application at the service of the company and to make it much more integrated, complete, we must add other functions (management of product categories).

For the administrator:

He has the right to modify the database. Indeed, he can add, delete or modify a customer, a product, an order, and the product categories.


The customers are the reason of being and the capital of any company, it is for that to conquer new ones and especially to preserve the old ones, it is necessary to set up a computerized system more precisely a module of management which will have to solve the problems met in the manual management of the receptions and to take into account the prospects of evolution and the needs for the customers. To do this, our work will consist in setting up a system whose functionalities will offer : -Meet the expectations of employees, by creating an official office application that facilitates the work on them. -Satisfaction of the company's customers and employees of the reception, ie it will have more time wasted to make Orders at the company level.

System functionalities:

The system functionalities represent the actions that the system has to perform, it becomes operational only if it satisfies them. The application offers several functionalities or services for both users and administrators, here we present all these functionalities.