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The provided Python code prompts the user to input the number of students (n) and then proceeds to collect their individual grades. It calculates the average (M) of the grades and prints the grades that are higher than the calculated average.
The Python code defines a class named Mobile with attributes such as CompanyName, storage, serialNum, name, dualSim, and support4k. There's a typo in the attribute name (sipport4k should be support4k). The class includes placeholder methods for call, sendMessage, and playMedia functionalities.
The provided Python code defines a class Car with attributes such as speed, color, nitrospeed, and model. The class includes methods for actions like turning, accelerating, braking, and boosting, but these methods lack the necessary self parameter to access instance attributes.
The Java code defines an Employee class with attributes like name, baseSalary, bonusHrs, and sales. There's a constructor to initialize these attributes. However, there's a typo in the constructor method name (Player instead of Employee). Additionally, the CalculateNetSalary method is declared but not fully implemented; it lacks a return statement
The provided Python code defines a class Employee with attributes such as baseSalary, bonusHrs, sales, and name. The class has a constructor method (__init__) to initialize these attributes. However, the class includes a method named CalculateNetSalary without the necessary self parameter, which is required for accessing the instance attributes.
This repository contains a simple implementation of a Rectangle class in Python. The Rectangle class serves as a superclass, providing a basic structure for geometric rectangles with methods to calculate surface, perimeter...
Certainly! Below is a simple example of a superclass Vector2D and a subclass Vector3D in Python. These classes represent mathematical vectors in two and three dimensions, respectively.
SouhailBechchari's Repositories
The Python code defines a class named Mobile with attributes such as CompanyName, storage, serialNum, name, dualSim, and support4k. There's a typo in the attribute name (sipport4k should be support4k). The class includes placeholder methods for call, sendMessage, and playMedia functionalities.
The Java code defines an Employee class with attributes like name, baseSalary, bonusHrs, and sales. There's a constructor to initialize these attributes. However, there's a typo in the constructor method name (Player instead of Employee). Additionally, the CalculateNetSalary method is declared but not fully implemented; it lacks a return statement
The Python code defines an Employee class with attributes like name, baseSalary, bonusHrs, and sales. There's a constructor to initialize these attributes. However, there's a typo in the constructor method name (Player instead of Employee). Additionally, the CalculateNetSalary method is declared but not fully implemented
The provided code defines a Point class in Java, representing a point in a 2D Cartesian coordinate system. The class has attributes for the x and y coordinates, and methods for setting and getting these coordinates, calculating the distance between two points, and calculating the norm of a point. Additionally, there is a main method also.
The provided code defines a Point class in Python, representing a point in a 2D Cartesian coordinate system. The class has attributes for the x and y coordinates, and methods for setting and getting these coordinates, calculating the distance between two points, and calculating the norm of a point. Additionally, there is a main method also.
Certainly! Below is a simple example of a superclass Vector2D and a subclass Vector3D in Python. These classes represent mathematical vectors in two and three dimensions, respectively.
This repository contains a simple implementation of a Rectangle class in Python. The Rectangle class serves as a superclass, providing a basic structure for geometric rectangles with methods to calculate surface, perimeter...
The provided Markdown code crafts a succinct and visually appealing GitHub README for Souhail Bechchari. It introduces him as a digital development student passionate about full-stack web development, AI, and machine learning. Social media badges offer direct links to his profiles, and badges showcase his skills.
The provided Python code defines an abstract base class Animal with abstract methods sound and eat. Two concrete classes, dog and horse, inherit from Animal and provide specific implementations for the abstract methods.
The provided Python code establishes a simple banking system with functions for adding clients, deleting clients, modifying passwords, depositing and withdrawing funds, as well as writing client information to a CSV file. The code uses dictionaries (Compte, Client, ClientCompte) to manage client and account data.
there is some basic forms coded by python, using the differentes type of inputs and options ...
there is some basic tables coded with html, using the different attributes of table balise (colspan , rowspan ....)
The Python code defines two classes, Documentaire and Exemplaire. Documentaire has attributes and methods for handling documentary information, while Exemplaire inherits from Documentaire and adds specific details for each copy. Instances of both classes are created, and the code demonstrates their usage by printing information about them.
The provided Python code defines a function verifie_format_email_regex that utilizes the re module to verify if a given email address (email) adheres to a specific format. The function returns True if the format is correct and False otherwise. An example usage of the function is demonstrated with the email address ","
The provided Python code defines a function contient_chiffres_regex that uses the re module to check whether a given string (chaine) contains any digits. The function returns True if at least one digit is found and False otherwise.
The provided Python code defines a function recherche_mot_regex that uses the re module to perform a case-sensitive whole-word search for a specified word (mot) within a given string (chaine). The function returns True if the word is found and False otherwise. An example usage of the function is demonstrated with the string "Bellingham.
The provided Python code defines an abstract class Personne with abstract methods Tostring and Equals. Two concrete classes, Employee and Eleve (Student), inherit from Personne. Each class has attributes for code, name, surname, age, and additional attributes specific to their role (grade for Employee and level for Eleve)
The provided Python code defines a function verifie_format_telephone_regex that utilizes the re module to verify if a given telephone number (numero) adheres to a specific format. The function returns True if the format is correct (two digits, hyphen, followed by seven digits)
This Python code represents a simple yet versatile Product Management System. It includes a hierarchy of classes for managing both basic and composite products, as well as compositions of products. The system leverages object-oriented principles and abstract classes to create a flexible and extensible structure.
The provided Python code defines two classes, Produit (Product) and Commande (Order). The Produit class represents a product with attributes such as reference, designation, purchase price (prixachat), and selling price (prixvente). The Commande class represents an order with the associated product, date, and quantity.
The provided Python code defines a function remplace_espaces_par_tirets_regex that utilizes the re module to replace spaces in a given string (chaine) with hyphens. The re.sub function is used for this purpose. An example usage of the function is demonstrated with the string "Ceci est une chaîne avec des espaces," and the result is printed.
This Python script implements a salary calculator application using the Tkinter library for creating the graphical user interface. It defines classes for different types of employees, such as Formateurs and Agents, each with specific attributes and salary calculation methods.
The provided Python code utilizes Tkinter to create a GUI application for managing a computer park. It's structured around classes and functions for adding equipment and clients, displaying lists, and interacting with an SQLite database. The application offers an intuitive interface with popup windows for data entry.
This Python code serves as a simple illustration of working with JSON data. It begins by creating a dictionary named data containing personal information such as name, age, and city. This dictionary is then serialized and written to a JSON file called "data.json" with formatted indentation.
The provided MySQL code snippet outlines the creation of a database structure tailored for managing a simplified enterprise system. The system comprises three essential tables: client, produits, and commandes, each serving distinct yet interconnected purposes.
The provided Python code defines a basic inventory management system for a store. It includes three classes: `Produits` for generic products, `Livres` for books, and `Cds` for CDs. The `Magasins` class represents a store, allowing users to add, buy, and sell products.