
Implementation of generative models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Generative Models


This Repository contains some PyTorch implementations of generative models, currently i have made implementations of Basic Convolutional AutoEncoder and Variational AutoEncoder.

Anime Faces Dataset

I have obtained the Dataset from this Repository animeGAN specifically this link which is made available by the owner of the aforementioned Repository.


Convolutional AutoEncoder

Trained using MSE as Reconstruction Loss. I have trained on a subset of the dataset, due to a lot of variation in the dataset.

edit: the current notebook contains a mixture of BCE and MSE loss.

alt text

Variational AutoEncoder

I have tried training the VAE with a mixture of settings, NOTE: the amount of tests i have carried out are not exhaustive and i have trained the network to gain more insight into the VAE.

Trained using MSE loss as Reconstruction loss and KLDivergence loss as latent Loss

with beta=0.7 to sway model towards reconstruction.

on Unseen samples Unseen Dataset

on trained sample seen dataset

Trained using BCE loss as Reconstruction loss with beta=3 to have model generalize better

on Unseen samples Unseen Dataset

on trained sample seen dataset


  • Z must be increased(variable nz in vae network architecture) according to the image and is a best to be around the image dimension range.

  • Binary cross entropy turned out to be a slightly better reconstruction value as compared to MSE loss.

  • Weighing Beta of KLDivergence helps in managing between reconstruction vs generalization

  • As you can see in the above images, when you compare the output of the test images it is clear that the images generated with Beta as 3 is better at generalizing and creating better representations of the image.

Things To Do

  • GAN


This Project is made by me to learn how generative models work and if you have some insights that could help me learn better please feel free to create a pull request