create a Google Cloud Function running this command in the same line:

gcloud functions deploy telegram_bot --set-env-vars "TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<TELEGRAM_TOKEN>" --runtime python38 --trigger-http --project=<project_name>

you can also specify the region by appending the following string to the previous command


list of the available regions

Some details:

  • Here webhook is the name of the function in the file
  • You need to specify your Telegram token with the --set-env-vars option
  • --runtime python38 describe the environment used by our function, Python 3.8 in this case
  • --trigger-http is the type of trigger associated to this function, you can find here the complete list of triggers The above command will return something like this:

Step three, you need to set up your Webhook URL using this API call:

curl "<TELEGRAM_TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=<URL>"