Express server with File System

Here we are creating a REST api using the underlying file system. Data will be stored in a json file in the project folder named data.json. The project will replicate the express server we build during sessions. The API has CRUD capability.


  • /users

    • GET: Get all users.
  • /createUser

    • POST: Create new user.
  • /users/:id

    • GET: Get user by ID.
    • PATCH: Update user by ID.
    • DELETE: Delete user by ID.
  • /findUser

    • GET: Get user by specific requirements (passing data).


To deploy this project run

Install dependencies

  npm i

Default PORT is set to 3000, if you need an alternate, create a .env file in your directory and set your .env file to

  PORT = {your desired port}

Run the server for dev deployment use

  npm run dev

Run the server for prod deployment use

  npm run start