
Android, Firebase, text file (CSE 250 Project) based social media with additional utility tools such as teachers phone book, map API and FAQs for fresher based on SUST context

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Expected Timeline


Feature Description

  • splash screen: A splash screen will appear while the program is launching.
  • Registration Panel : By using university mail,department name,registration number one can register.
  • Details and Verification: User have to give some details not editable and it will verify through e-mail
  • Login Panel: Login Section for Registered users.
  • Information: Few Editable Login Panel information i.e. mobile no , address and others.
  • Contribution Statistics: Upvote and Downvote information based in post.
  • Logout Button: Logout...
  • Bottom Navigation Button: users can go to different screens of application through that.
  • Ask Question or Help: Main Feature - user can ask their questions and problems for solution in different category.
  • Privacy: department , batch types of privacy for audiance.
  • Tags: different types of tags for post
  • Answer or Solution: users can ask their problems and questions for solution.
  • Image/Video Posting: User Can use this as social media also by sharing photos and videos
  • Map Route From Varsity to Current User Location: google direction api (route)
  • FAQ : FAQ questions for freshers added
  • Share, Download, Copy and Delete: download, copy and can share post link section.
  • Different Types Of Reactions: upvote for comments and posts.
  • Contact List: All Dept. Faculty Contact infos
  • Contribution History: History of different post and questions
  • Add Favorite Question: users can save their favourtive or helpful post for future.
  • Setting: , account delition ⚠️.
  • Extra: based on demand.

Report on Learning Pre-requisites

SL Learning Task Description Status Comment
1 Android Basics Basics of Android XML, JAVA Language
2 Android Basic Multiscreen Apps Intent and Different Types of Views (i.e. Adapter View ) , Fragments
3 Android Basic Designing Basic UI/UX Design , Android Material Designing   2018331045
4 Android Basic Data Storage Basics of Firebase
5 Android Basic API Different Types Of APIs (i.e. Direction API and Website Parsing)  2018331081

Used Technologies

  • Android Studio, Netbeans
  • Java
  • XML
  • Firebase, TextFile
  • Direction API

List of Functionalities

  • Implemented features

✔️ Splash Screen : Designe by Canva not copied from any source
✔️ Signup with Email(Checked with RegEx) and Password(8th Char Min. ) (Show Password, Error and User Friendly UI Avaiable)
✔️ Email Verification : Send Customised Verification Email From Firebase With Resend Facility
✔️ Create Profile : Profile Picture, Name, Batch(Spineer), Mobile No(Spineer), Blood Group(Spineer), Social Media Link
✔️ Update Profile : User Can Update and delete their photo and can edit their information
✔️ Profile(Fragment 1) : Profile Picture, Dept, Batch, Mobile No, Blood Group and Social Media Link
✔️ History : History of your asked question consist of Ask question's 4 parts
✔️ Bottom Menu : Logout,Delete Option(delete profile info), Share Apk(link), Report(Send report with Email Intent with Picture Attachment )
✔️ Logout : Forgot Password Section Also Added
✔️ Ask Qusetions : Ask varsity related questions, topic wise residential questions,dept wise question,batchwise question
✔️ Upvote : upvote answers
✔️ Favourite Question : Marking important questions as favourites so that they can be find easily
✔️ Contacts:(Start Of Fargment 3) : All Department(27 Department) Teachers Contact Information with Designation, Name, Mobile Number(DIAL_INTENT) and Email Address Parse From https://www.sust.edu with Jsoup and Text File (which can be updated or modified really fast)
✔️ FAQ : FAQ for freshman
✔️ Tools : SUST Web and Library Web Webview
✔️ Upload Video/Image : Upload Video and Image as post and create post with description/caption
✔️Comment Comment of your post
✔️ More options in post delete,share,copy,download post

  • Unimplemented features

✖️ Location : Location of Your Current GPS Location to SUST with google Directions API (not working because of billing issue)
✖️ Instant Help Notifications Sender :
✖️ photo commenting :


2018331045 -

- Ui improvement
- History
- Share option
- Ask questions
- Reply, Favourite questions,Displaying time
- Dept wise and Batchwise Question Asking
- Post Comment and react comments
- More option of post (Download,Share,Copy url,Delete)

2018331081 -

- Splash Screen,
- Singup,
- Email Verification,
- Create Profile,
- Update Profile,
- Profile(Fragment 1),
- Bottom Menu(Send Report with Screenshot),
- Contacts of All Department(27 Department) Parse From https://www.sust.edu with Jsoup,
- FAQ, 
- Tools(SUST Web and Library Web Webview),
- Upload Video/Image


Special Thanks to:

Enamul Hassan, Assistant Professor, CSE, SUST - For Everthing specially prioviding valuable feedbacks and amazing ideas regarding the development of this project


✔️ Anisul Islam https://www.youtube.com/c/anisulislamrubel/channels - For Amazing Android Developement Playlist in Youtube
✔️ Technical Skills - For Saving Some Valuable Time


✔️ StackOverflow - For their Developer community
✔️ GitHub - For their amazing platform and providing other valuable open source projects as our guideline
✔️ Google - For Firebase (Firestore and Realtime Database) and Directions API (should allow free version for student) and also for Android Studio In My 4GB Ram Laptop


✔️ https://www.sust.edu - For a complicated website for parsing Teachers Contact Informations
✔️ akexorcist/GoogleDirectionLibrary - For google direction API Library
✔️ JSOUP Library - Raw HTML Parsing Library From SUST Website
✔️ Apache Netbeans - For their Platform
✔️ Freepik - For Beautiful Background Images
✔️ Canva - For Splash Screen and Icon (Not Copied From There)
     And Many GitHub Repositories, StackOverflow Blogs and Yotubers


Group Number: 17
Group Name : Team Marshmallow
Group member Details :
Name               : MD.ATAULLHA
Cell               : 01879093418   
Email              : saimsaimsaimsaim7246@gmail.com,
Registration Number: 2018331081
Session            : 2018-19,
                     CSE, SUST
Name               : Soumik Paul Jisun
Cell               : 01742332335
Email              : soumikpaul240499@gmail.com
Registration Number: 2018331045
Session            : 2018-19,
                     CSE, SUST

© 2021 - Dept. of CSE, SUST, BD