Remple is a very simple resume template built for jekyll. Here is a demo.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Github and Markdown Syntax
Step 1
- Fork the repository.
- [Optional] You can change the repository name from Settings > Options > Repository name.
Step 2
- Edit the _config.yml file.
- Change the value for title from Tahanima Chowdhury to anything you want.
- Change the value for description from Software Engineer, QA @ Therap (BD) Ltd. to anything you want.
- If you have changed your repository name from remple to your preferred name, you need to change the value for baseurl from "/remple/" to "/[your preferred name]/".
Step 3
- Edit the file with your credentials.
Step 4
- Delete the resume.pdf file.
- Upload your resume pdf file, making sure to name it as resume.pdf.
Step 5
- Activate GitHub Pages for this site from Settings > Options > GitHub Pages.
- Choose master as the source branch and / (root) as the folder.
- You can then access your site at [github_user_name][repo_name]/
- Note: repo_name is remple if you have not changed your repository name otherwise it is your preferred name.